J is for Jessica stitch. An A-Z of stitches ? #embroidery #stitch #stitching #keeplearning #handstitching #workshop #learnembroidery #craft #art #embroideryworkshop #jessicastitch
Photo taken at: Brunswick, Victoria
J is for Jessica stitch. An A-Z of stitches ? #embroidery #stitch #stitching #keeplearning #handstitching #workshop #learnembroidery #craft #art #embroideryworkshop #jessicastitch
Photo taken at: Brunswick, Victoria
I is for Italian Cross stitch. An A-Z of stitches ? #embroidery #stitch #stitching #keeplearning #handstitching #workshop #learnembroidery #craft #art #embroideryworkshop #italiancrossstitch
Photo taken at: Brunswick, Victoria
H is for Herringbone stitch. An A-Z of stitches ? #embroidery #stitch #stitching #keeplearning #handstitching #workshop #learnembroidery #craft #art #embroideryworkshop #herringbonestitch
Photo taken at: Brunswick, Victoria
Crafted Cubed Festival of Handmade launch with work be artist in residence Christina Darras #craft #craftvictoria #craftedcubed #festivalofhandmade #handmade #art @craftvictoria
Photo taken at: Craft
G is for Glove stitch. An A-Z of stitches ? #embroidery #stitch #stitching #keeplearning #handstitching #workshop #learnembroidery #craft #art #embroideryworkshop #glovestitch
Photo taken at: Brunswick, Victoria