Generations Linked


Creating Textile Kintsugi pieces I use reclaimed textiles, wrapping broken ceramic pieces and reassembling them enhancing the breaks. I celebrate the imperfections, giving new life that becomes more refined thanks to its ‘scars’.


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The family is the link to our past
Building treasured memories to last
All through our life long
As the generations continue on

Our family history is a part
Of who we are deep in our heart
Our roots are firmly set in the ground
As we branch out in life all around

Each family member is a link in a chain
That through our life will remain

Guided by the way we lived each day
Their roots are strong, their links a ray

Materials:       Reclaimed ceramics, reclaimed indigo and bark dyed silk, handstitched cotton thread and Viking woven copper wire.

Creating Textile Kintsugi pieces I use reclaimed textiles, wrapping broken ceramic pieces and reassembling them enhancing the breaks. I celebrate the imperfections, giving new life that becomes more refined thanks to its ‘scars’.

40h x 35 x 35cm